Confidence Through Health

Become Your Own Guru w/ Dr. Ishan Shivanand

Episode Summary

We often hold the key to healing ourselves within our own body, we simply have to unlock the potential cure from within. The art of yoga can help us find the root cause of mental fatigue, stress, and many other unhealthy symptoms we feel in our daily lives. Dr. Ishan Shivanand shares how to use the practice of yoga to become our own healing guru.

Episode Notes

Learning how to let our body take control of our healing processes is a learned behavior. Dr. Ishan Shivanand has introduced Yoga of Immortals as a way to get back to centering ourselves and healing our mental wellness.

We discuss several tips for mental health and implementing yoga, meditation, and mindfulness into our recovery routines.

Mental fatigue and burnout are real forms of stress that affects millions each year.  But how do you know you are suffering from it, and how can you restore a healthy relationship with your job?  Dr. Ishan Shivanand, an acclaimed mental health researcher and professor, and the founder of “Yoga of Immortals” (YOI) is the consummate expert on the topic.

Dr. Ishan Shivanand is an educator, speaker, researcher, performance coach and Indian yoga master in meditation & mindfulness.